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So What?: A Lesson in Resiliency

Part of being resilient is realizing that none of us ever really knows where we are in the big picture of life. Moments which feel like failure right now may turn out to be positive stepping-stones in a much larger process. In the middle of what feels like a disaster, we may be learning valuable…

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Guess what? We were wrong!

OK, not totally wrong, but wow, did we have a lot to learn! After already coming through multiple bouts of cancer, infertility, the death of a spouse and a grandchild, divorce, the lifelong challenges of living with Tourette syndrome, OCD, and ADD, combining two families into a blended one, and so much more, my husband,…

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5-Day “Mini-Workshop” on Confrontation in Couples Therapy

Do you ever dread confronting an angry client for fear that you will be attacked or aggressively challenged? Do you ever worry that an untimely or poorly worded confrontation will result in a permanent rupture or at least a significant disconnection to a therapeutic alliance that you have carefully built? Perhaps your anxiety is strong…

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Integration: Mind, Body, and Spirit

On September 29th and 30th, Anne presented for the Association of Mormon Counselors and Psychotherapists in their annual conference. The theme of the conference this year was, “Integration: Mind, Body, and Spirit.” Anne spoke specifically about helping families become resilient. Her presentation was entitled, “Family Resiliency: Helping families find the courage to fail forward.”  She spoke…

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Couple’s Questionnaire

These series of questions will give you and your partner insight into your relationship. By completing the questionnaire, you will be reminded of what brought you together and better understand what may be driving you apart. Copy and paste the questions into a word document or print out the PDF and bring your answers with you…

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