Therapy for Parents
Feel peace in your home
Parenting is one of the greatest, most challenging responsibilities one can accept. A squeal of delight at a toddler's first step can quickly metamorphose into exclamations of frustration and fear as children and teens develop behavioral problems, learning disorders, or attachment difficulties.
You may worry endlessly about your children and wonder, "Am I doing the right thing? What do they need?" If your marriage relationship is tense, this will only intensify your concern for your children.
Your family can become resilient. Pressures of time, expectations, finances, and other challenges can fortify you instead of disparaging you. As you learn to strengthen yourself and your relationships, you can help your children grow and thrive as well. Are you ready to have peace in your home again? Do you want to feel your children’s love and trust? Do you want to be confident that they will be happy and successful in their own lives?
Call me today.

Schedule Your Appointment!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Phone: 801-582-0208
Email: anne@evanscounseling.com
For additional insight into your relationship, read "Normal Stages of Healthy, Long Lasting Relationships."

Want to improve your role as a parent but have no time? This is the perfect book for you! Download this book sampler!
Free Download!
Enjoy reading compelling stories with practical and implementable ideas and suggestions to help your child develop resiliency. Find the wit and wisdom to inspire you, so you can gently nudge your child to take the small but amazingly powerful steps needed to become stronger as they meet their present as well as future challenges.