Couples Therapist Training in Salt Lake City
The Developmental Model of Couples Relationships

I am so excited to invite you to join me to train in the Bader-Pearson Developmental Model of Couples Relationships in person here in Salt Lake City. I am thrilled to share this powerful model with more therapists here in Utah and hope to establish a strong referral network of local therapists trained in the Bader-Pearson model.
This 9 month training will be limited to a small group of motivated therapists who want to develop new skills and perspectives and practice applying these right now. Whether you are a new therapist just starting your practice or have many years of experience, this training will offer a rich opportunity to change the way you work with couples.

Registration is closed for Autumn 2018's class. Check back again later for more class options to open up!
Mental health professionals who focus on couples therapy.
22.5 CEU credit hours approved by NASW UT.
Sept. 2018 to May 2019
Second Thursday each month
9 A.M to 11:30 A.M.
A series of classes that will help therapists develop their skill in providing effective interventions for couples.
Where & How Much?
$90 per month
1308 S 1700 E, Ste. 210,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Please join us for future training. Visit our Events page to see what is coming up!
Anne is available to students to discuss the class material, answer questions between sessions, and for case consultation. In addition, all class materials will be available including; an audio recording, class handouts and resources for each session on a password protected web page, designed exclusively for your program.
Anne Evans-Cazier | | 801-582-0208
Monthly Topics
- Overview of the Developmental Model and the 5 stages of growth
- Theoretical foundation: Developmental stages [Margaret Mahler], Attachment [John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth]
- Accurately assess stage and developmental blocks
- Identify the most common presenting patterns for couples seeking therapy
- Two assessment tools: The Paper Exercise and the Couples Questionnaire
- Describe 3 ways to set the stage for success before clients come for their first visit.
- Implement the 7 elements of a powerful first session when starting with new clients.
- Assess motivation for change.
- Use the Uncovering Vulnerability and Shifting Negative Patterns exercises to help couples set effective goals.
- Describe how problems are created in couples relationships because humans are biologically wired both to protect ourselves from pain and threat and to emotionally connect.
- Educate clients about Dan Siegel’s hand-brain model.
- Introduce and help clients practice the Twilight Zone exercise to reduce limbic system pain responses.
- Use the Stop-Replay exercise with couples to provide rapid emotional soothing.
- Describe the 5 key elements in the evolution of differentiation of self and from a partner.
- Guide couples in the use of the Initiator-to-Inquirer exercise [I-to-I] to encourage and support developmental growth in individual partners and their relationship.
- Identify 3 ways people tend to avoid differentiation and techniques for helping clients to stretch for developmental growth.
- Help clients overcome at least 3 of the most common problems people have in using the I-to-I process.
- Assess for the 8 most common problems Hostile-Dependent Couples [HD-C] bring into therapy.
- Identify the 6 basic categories of ineffective behaviors HD-C use as defensive self-protection and offer effective alternatives.
- Teach effective interventions to promote self-soothing and effective use of Time-Outs with couples.
- Refine the use of the I-to- I exercise with a focus on the Initiator role.
- Understand and assess the 2 main types of Conflict Avoidant Couples [CA-C] and common subtypes.
- Apply the 4 principles of effective treatment of CA-C in clinical practice.
- Promote personal and relationship growth through the refined use of the I-to-I exercise with a focus on the Inquirer role.
- Identify at least 3 personal qualities to further develop in order to become more effective working with CA-C.
- Assess clients for the 7 characteristic patterns of resistance common in Passive-Aggressive Partners [PA-P].
- Identify 3 or more common types of therapy issues couples with a PA-P bring to therapy and effective strategies to intervene.
- Modify the use of the I-to-I exercise to be more effective with couples in which there is a PA-P.
- Introduce and help PA-P and their partners use a 2 chair exercise to promote personal and relationship growth.
- Identify the repetitive sequences common in relationships with narcissistic partners.
- Use the I-to-I exercise to assess the degree of narcissism in a partner.
- Use the I-to-I exercise to help increase the developmental capacity of both partners in relationships with a narcissistic partner.
- Describe 6 ways of creating more effective repairs and reconnection in couples with a narcissistic partner.
- Identify 6 common reasons people have affairs.
- Assess affairs using 10 key elements.
- Gain clarity about personal values and judgments about affairs.
- Increase awareness of how personal values and judgments may impact therapist when working with couples in which there has been an affair.
- Course wrap up and review